Here are some helpful tips for setting up this theme.
Most of what you’ll want to configure is demonstrated in the exampleSite config.toml
. This is Hugo’s configuration file. You can copy the config.toml
in the exampleSite/
to your site root get started.
baseURL = "" # Your domain name. Must end with "/"
theme = "introduction"
DefaultContentLanguage = "en" # Default language for multilingual sites
# disqusshortname = "" #
googleAnalytics = "G-B39G3X6Z4T" #
themeStyle = "auto" # Choose "light" or "dark" or "auto"
favicon = "/img/fav.ico" # Path to favicon file
showMenu = true # Show navigation menu
showRSSButton = false # Show rss button in navigation
fadeIn = true # Turn on/off the fade-in effect
fadeInIndex = false # Turn on/off the fade-in effect on the index page even if fade-in was otherwise turned off
dateFormat = "Jan 2, 2006"
email = "" # E-mail address for contact section
# customCSS = ["foo.css"] # Include custom css files placed under assets/
# customJS = ["foo.js"] # Include custom JavaScript files placed under assets/
# plausible = true # Use Plausible analytics (requires an account at
# Configure the home page
introHeight = "fullheight" # Input either "medium" or "large" or "fullheight"
showLatest = true # Show latest blog post summary
showAllPosts = false # Set true to list all posts on home page, or set false to link to separate blog list page
allPostsArchiveFormat = true # show all posts in an archive format
numberOfProjectsToShow = 3 # Maximum number of projects to show on home page. Unset or comment out to show all projects
localTime = true # Show your current local time in contact section
timeZone = "America/Los_Angeles" # Your timezone as in the TZ* column of this list:
timeFormat = "en-US" # Language specific format to use
useTwoColumns = false # Use a layout with two columns instead of three
# Share buttons on blog post pages
twitter = true
facebook = true
pinterest = true
# To enable giscus, the GitHub-discussions-based comment section,
# input the repository for the discussions below. For more details, see
# and
# repo = "github-user/github-repo" # Entering repo will enable giscus
repo-id = "enter-repo-id"
category = "Comments"
category-id = "enter-category-id"
mapping = "pathname"
reactions-enabled = "1"
emit-metadata = "0"
theme = "light"
lang = "en"
# Social icons appear in introduction and contact section. Add as many more as you like.
# Icon pack "fab" includes social network icons, see:
# Icon pack "fas" includes solid style icons, see:
url = ""
icon = "twitter" # icon name without the 'fa-'
icon_pack = "fab"
url = ""
icon = "facebook-f" # icon name without the 'fa-'
icon_pack = "fab"
url = ""
icon = "linkedin-in" # icon name without the 'fa-'
icon_pack = "fab"
url = "" # For a direct email link, use "".
icon = "paper-plane" # icon name without the 'fa-'
icon_pack = "fas"
url = ""
icon = "mastodon" # icon name without the 'fa-'
icon_pack = "fab"
html_attributes = "rel=\"me\"" # Add rel attribute for Mastodon profile link verification
# If you don't want to use the default menu, you can define one by yourself
# [[menu.main]]
# name = "Home"
# url = "/"
# weight = 0
# [[menu.main]]
# name = "Blog"
# url = "/blog/"
# weight = 1
# We only use tag as a taxonomies
# You can add more by yourself
tag = "tags"
series = "series"
defaultMarkdownHandler = "goldmark"
unsafe = true
codeFences = true
guessSyntax = false
hl_Lines = ""
lineNoStart = 1
lineNos = false
lineNumbersInTable = true
# noClasses = true
# For styles, see
style = "solarized-dark"
tabWidth = 4
languageName = "English"
languageCode = "en-us"
contentDir = "content/en"
weight = 0
title = "ondakyo"
description = "Website Description" # Max 160 characters show in search results
# footerText = "" # Text to override default footer text (markdown allowed)
languageName = "Español"
languageCode = "es"
contentDir = "content/es"
weight = 1
title = "Introducción"
description = "Descripcion del sitio web"
# footerText = ""
languageName = "Deutsch"
languageCode = "de"
contentDir = "content/de"
weight = 2
title = "Vorstellung"
dateFormat = "2. January 2006"
description = "Beschreibung der Webseite"
# footerText = ""
Below are some specific things you might like to configure right away.
Introduction allows the use of Hugo’s rich built-in syntax highlighting capabilities. See Syntax Highlighting in the Hugo docs.
Below is an example configuration for Highlight. See Highlight in the Hugo docs for more.
codeFences = true
guessSyntax = false
hl_Lines = ""
lineNoStart = 1
lineNos = false
lineNumbersInTable = true
noClasses = true
# For styles, see
style = "friendly"
tabWidth = 4
Custom shortcodes can be added to a layouts/shortcodes/
directory in your site root. For example, I used a shortcode above to display the current configuration file for this site! You can see the shortcodes in the raw Markdown for this page to understand how they work.
To ensure Hugo renders any HTML that your shortcode or other additions like Font Awesome uses in posts, make sure these lines for the Goldmark renderer are in your config.toml
defaultMarkdownHandler = "goldmark"
unsafe = true
The easiest way to start adding content to your site is to copy the exampleSite
folder to your site’s root directory.
You can change the existing posts to see how it all works. Add new pages using the hugo new
To understand how different pages are rendered by Hugo, read Content Organization in the Hugo docs.