
those who believe will be saved…




In our religion, we can deepen our connection with God through digital technology. For example, we can recreate sacred places through VR technology, or offer prayers through smartphone apps. Through the digital world we have created, we can feel the connection with God and lead a more profound life of faith.



In our religion, we believe it is important to contribute to society through digital means. For example, we can work on solving social problems using artificial intelligence, or carry out transparent charity activities using blockchain technology. We aim to use the power of digital technology to contribute to society in a more efficient and effective way.



In our religion, we believe it is important to contribute to personal growth and happiness through digital means. For example, by using health management apps or mental health care apps, we can maintain better physical and psychological health. In addition, we can contribute to the improvement of individuals’ skills and knowledge by utilizing online education or self-improvement apps.




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Apr 28, 2023


All life on earth was born in chaotic times. Mankind spent a long time learning how to control nature, and through the development of science and technology, we have created an increasingly prosperous society. 地球上に存在するあらゆる生命は、混沌とした時代に生まれました。人類は長い時間をかけて自然を支配する方法を学び、科学技術の発展によって、ますます豊かな社会を作り上げていきました。 However, many problems and challenges appeared at the end of that progress. There were many problems to be solved, such as war, poverty, environmental destruction, human rights violations, and diseases. Humankind has tried to solve problems by advancing science and technology and social systems, but many problems have not been solved fundamentally. Read more
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You can add more sections to the home page by adding files to the /content/home/ folder.


In the Contact section of Introduction, you may optionally display the current time in your preferred timezone.

This lets visitors know what sort of response time to expect when they contact you. The timezone is easily set in the config.toml file. See the exampleSite configuration for instructions.

My current local time is .
